Sunday, December 2, 2012

Stop texting and driving!

I believe text and drive is the same as drunk and drive because in both situations you loose control. Texting while driving can take your life away and others as well. Text and drive has been the cause of so many deaths that we must stop doing it and encourage your friends and family not to do so.My 19 year old close friend lost his life last year 2011 because his friend was texting and driving. His friend lost control of the vehicle and crash onto a cement pole causing my friend death. It's sad to say that the person driving is still on the streets like nothing happened. I strongly believe they should arrest people who text and drive and have caused a death. The government should make new laws regarding this issue. Also, they should take more about this problem at schools and colleges so everybody be concerned about the consequences. Drive safe be safe!


  1. Another day I almost stop a girls who was texting while driving.It is disgusting to know my family can be hurt because of this stupidly.

  2. Yes, its a habit that must be stopped

  3. I hate when my dad starts texting while driving I always argue with him everytime.

  4. A few time ago saw a really shocking video that was about this. It is very important to be stopped.

  5. Thanks for sharing that video Catherin. Its very shocking but its the true.
